
Created on 13. December 2023 from Sarah Kroker
Today I received a message: "Can you please come with your Healy, Nela (28-year-old mare) is not well. Probably has to be put to sleep"

Created on 1. November 2023 from Melanie Rosensteiner

Mina, my horse, is now nine years old and unfortunately has a heart condition and allergy attacks.
She is examined every six months and shows psychologically conspicuous behavioral patterns. He gasps for air, it's called napping.
Unfortunately, there were horse owners before my time who rode the horse despite the heart defect. I felt sorry for it and took it into my care.
Now you can see the first treatment of Mina with Healy and it is very clear what the horse is feeling.

Update today 24.11.2023

Created on 30. September 2022 from Markus Sachse

The forest is my second home.

The Healy is always with me, of course...

Plants grow like wild

Created on 11. April 2022 from Elfriede Einhell

Am farmer and make so some experience with the Healy.
Now also with plants. Have on Sunday cucumber seeds laid and with the Resonance analysis vital substances made an experiment. Every day once 17 sec swung open.

Look at the result after 5 days times! Strong plants, am curious about further experiences.
1 x water poured with Spagyrik AB1

Created on 22. March 2022 from Sandra Blessing-Freund

My alternative practitioner colleague Karola Leder treats her dog on the subject of arthrosis and joint pain with great success

Newborn fawn rescued

Created on 7. March 2022 from Christine Haschka
I am so happy, have saved on 25.2.22 a newborn fawn 🙏wurde spit after birth from the buck 😪es was cared for by the vet, not knowing whether it will survive. I made the same day an analysis and was immediately swarmed with Bach flowers and Schüßlersalze 🙏was I should say after an hour it is already up and has eaten and the next day very much alive 😍unbelievable what the Healy can and yes my Healy partner makes the applications of course further.

Barbarossa with RollinSkinSyndrome

Created on 1. February 2022 from Christina Meyer

The little one was rather dominant before his experience. He must have experienced something pretty bad when he started having sudden twitches with fur changes. The vet diagnosis was RollinSkinSyndrome after a trauma. He was suddenly lonely and quiet, was jumpy and holed up in the house.
After a 21-day treatment with the Resonance Module, twice a day, Schuessler salts, Creative Homeopathy and the upswing of the aura, there were no more seizures. Barabarossa even already seeks contact with conspecifics and begins to play again 😊


Created on 26. January 2022 from Gaby Schmid-Gleissner

Swinging up with Healy in some cows
Starting mastitis was quickly resolved, cell count increase has decreased.
Postpartum behavior has improved rapidly, the older cow did not eat after birth and had no milk
Young bulls after lungworm infestation and deworming do not thrive properly
One bull also has psychological problems and is excluded from the group by the other bulls, so the others eat everything away from him
In the fall, a bull had crashed on the pasture.

We notice with all subjects that after two to three days with Healy swinging up, the complaints and behavior have noticeably improved.

Aura affirmation, Bach flowers, homeopathy, Schuessler salts, vital substances, healing stones

Created on 22. December 2021 from Christina Meyer
Thank you for this little quantum miracle! After a long way out of a whiplash injury with upper cervical strain, this frequency device now helps me to release my physical blockages, to come into my balance and to stabilize myself. Already after a few applications I notice how it helps me. The same goes for my daughter, who had a bad cold for a long time and whose immune system has recovered after a few applications. I am grateful.