At the right time

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The serious illness of my son was the trigger to search for alternative, holistic treatment methods many years ago.

After pneumonia last year and a severe traumatic experience in the hospital, the Healy came into our lives at the same time.

He helped us to improve Robert's condition and to process or harmonize our trauma. I regained energy and confidence after a total exhaustion.
In this situation, I realized that we need to return to a human medicine that takes into account body, mind and spirit.

At the same time, I think I have found my calling. It is a personal concern of mine to make this ingenious quantum field technology accessible especially to people who cannot communicate themselves about their physical or mental complaints. Because it is especially difficult for such people to localize pain and to draw attention to psychological stress.

With the Healy I can understand Robert even better and also give him what he needs at the moment.